
Batch AI Action

We use Team Prompts to provide a way to batch process files in the project. The default Team Prompts path is prompts/, which is the prompts/ directory located in the project’s root directory.

Through the batchFileRegex configuration, you can specify the file to be processed in batch.

Scenes: When you need to batch process files in the project, such as refactoring, formatting, etc.

  • Vue2 to Vue3 migration
  • Refactor the user’s code
  • Comments for all code

Entry point: Right-click on the project -> AutoDev AI AutoAction -> Batch AI Action

批量 AI 操作(Chinese example)

核心点:batchFileRegex 用于匹配批量文件,codeOnly: true 只将纯代码部分放入文件,interaction: ReplaceCurrentFile 用于替换当前文件。

interaction: ReplaceCurrentFile
batchFileRegex: "**/*.ts"
codeOnly: true


- 请在一个代码块返回重构完的所有代码,方便直接复制粘贴。
- 请不要添加额外的代码,只修改用户的代码。


Batch AI Action (English Example)

Key points: batchFileRegex is used to match batch files, codeOnly: true only puts the pure code part into the file, interaction: ReplaceCurrentFile is used to replace the current file.

interaction: ReplaceCurrentFile
batchFileRegex: "**/*.ts"
codeOnly: true

Refactor the user's code. Requirements:

- Please return all the refactored code in one code block, so that it can be copied and pasted directly.
- Please do not add extra code, only modify the user's code.
