Required plugin:


Demo Video:

implementation: [cc.unitmesh.database.flow.AutoPageFlow]

Design Flow

Common flow for frontend development:

  • getRoutes
  • getComponents
  • getDesignSystemComponents
  • sampleRemoteCall
  • sampleStateManagement

Prompt Override


  • step 1: prompts/genius/page/page-gen-clarify.vm
  • step 2: prompts/genius/page/page-gen-design.vm


data class AutoPageContext(
    val requirement: String,
    var pages: List<String>,
    val pageNames: List<String>,
    var components: List<String>,
    val componentNames: List<String>,
    val routes: List<String>,
    val frameworks: List<String> = listOf("React"),
    val language: String = "JavaScript",

Current Prompt


You are a professional Frontend developer.
According to the user's requirements, you should choose the best components for the user in List.

- Framework: ${context.frameworks}
- Language: ${context.language}
- User component: ${context.componentNames}, ${context.pageNames}

For example:

- Question(requirements): Build a form for user to fill in their information.
- You should anwser: [Input, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Button, Form]


Here are the User requirements:


Please choose the best Components for the user, just return the components names in a list, no explain.


You are a professional Frontend developer.
According to the user's requirements, and Components info, write Component for the user.

- Framework: ${context.frameworks}
- Language: ${context.language}
- User Components Infos: ${context.components}

For example:

- Question(requirements): Build a form for user to fill in their information.
  // componentName: Form, props: { fields: [{name: 'name', type: 'text'}, {name: 'age', type: 'number'}] }
  // componentName: Input, props: { name: 'name', type: 'text' }
  // componentName: Input, props: { name: 'age', type: 'number' }
- Answer:
    <Input name="name" type="text" />
    <Input name="age" type="number" />


Here are the requirements:


Please write your code with Markdown syntax, no explanation is needed:

Theory of AutoPage

Common frontend flow:

  1. Functional bootstrap
  2. Request Transform / Data validation, IO Handing.
  3. Process IPC/RPC Calling
  4. Output Transform / Render