
As we mentioned in LICENSE issue at the beginning of this project, JetBrains has reasonable grounds to consider the plugin to be the content infringing their own IP right. So, since 2024.4, AutoDev was unavailable in the JetBrains Plugin Repository, you can download from Releases

1. Install from JetBrains Plugin Repository: AutoDev

  1. Download from Releases
    • AutoDev-*, for version 2022.2~2023.2
    • AutoDev-*, for version 2023.3~2023.3
    • AutoDev-*, for version 2024.1~
  2. Configure GitHub Token (optional) and OpenAI config in Settings -> Tools -> AutoDev


OpenAI Official config

  1. open AutoDev Config in Settings -> Tools -> AutoDev.
  2. select AI Engine -> OpenAI, select Open AI Model -> gpt-3.5-turbo
  3. fill OpenAI API Key with your OpenAI API Key.
  4. Apply and OK.

OpenAI Proxy

  1. open AutoDev Config in Settings -> Tools -> AutoDev.
  2. select AI Engine -> OpenAI, select Open AI Model -> gpt-3.5-turbo,
  3. fill Custom OpenAI Host with your OpenAI API Endpoint.
  4. fill OpenAI API Key with your Host OpenAI API Key.
  5. Apply and OK.

ps: For OpenAI compatible, you can use Open AI Model to your custom OpenAI compatible model.

Custom Config / OpenAI compatible

Tested: 零一万物(#94), 月之暗面(Moonshot AI)、深度求索(Deepseek #96),ChatGLM(#90)

  1. open AutoDev Config in Settings -> Tools -> AutoDev.
  2. select AI Engine -> Custom
  3. fill Custom Engine Server
  4. fill Custom Engine Token if needed.
  5. config Custom Response Format by JsonPath (for example: $.choices[0].content), if not set, will use OpenAI’s format as default.
  6. config Custom Request Format by Json if needed.
  7. Apply and OK.

for more, see in Customize LLM Server