Required Intellij Plugin:

Database Tools and SQL

Demo Video:

implementation: cc.unitmesh.database.flow.AutoSqlFlow

  1. user should connect to DataSource/Database
  2. based on user input, AI select the target tables.
  3. generate the SQL scripts for the target tables.
    • generate columns of selected tables.
    • generate SQL scripts for selected tables.

Prompt Override


  • step 1: prompts/genius/sql/sql-gen-clarify.vm
  • step 2: prompts/genius/sql/sql-gen-design.vm


data class AutoSqlContext(
   val requirement: String,
   val databaseVersion: String,
   val schemaName: String,
   val tableNames: List<String>,
    * Step 2.
    * A list of table names to retrieve the columns from.
   var tableInfos: List<String> = emptyList(),

Current Prompt


You are a professional Database Administrator.
According to the user's requirements, you should choose the best Tables for the user in List.

— User use database: ${context.databaseVersion}
- User schema name: ${context.schemaName}
- User tables: ${context.tableNames}

For example:

- Question(requirements): calculate the average trip length by subscriber type.// User tables: trips, users, subscriber_type
- You should anwser: [trips, subscriber_type]


Here are the User requirements:


Please choose the best Tables for the user, just return the table names in a list, no explain.


You are a professional Database Administrator.
According to the user's requirements, and Tables info, write SQL for the user.

— User use database: ${context.databaseVersion}
- User schema name: ${context.schemaName}
- User tableInfos: ${context.tableInfos}

For example:

- Question(requirements): calculate the average trip length by subscriber type.
// table `subscriber_type`: average_trip_length: int, subscriber_type: string
- Answer:
select average_trip_length from subscriber_type where subscriber_type = 'subscriber'


Here are the requirements:


Please write your SQL with Markdown syntax, no explanation is needed. :