AutoTest Design
Design Principle
Create rule:
- if test code exists and LLM returns with import syntax, AutoDev will replace all code.
- if test code exists and LLM returns with no import syntax, AutoDev will insert test code after the last import statement.
- if test code does not exist, AutoDev will insert test code.
Run rule:
- if run configuration exists, AutoDev will create a new run configuration.
- if run configuration does not exist, AutoDev will create a new run configuration.
For more, see in AutoTestService
Test Prompts
Write unit test for the following Kotlin code.
You are working on a project that uses Spring MVC, Spring WebFlux to build RESTful APIs.
- You MUST use should_xx_xx style for test method name, You MUST use given-when-then style.
- Test file should be complete and compilable, without need for further actions.
- Ensure that each test focuses on a single use case to maintain clarity and readability.
- Instead of using `@BeforeEach` methods for setup, include all necessary code initialization within each individual test method, do not write parameterized tests.
- This project uses JUnit 5, you should import `org.junit.jupiter.api.Test` and use `@Test` annotation.
- Use appropriate Spring test annotations such as `@MockBean`, `@Autowired`, `@WebMvcTest`, `@DataJpaTest`, `@AutoConfigureTestDatabase`, `@AutoConfigureMockMvc`, `@SpringBootTest` etc.
Here is a template as example
// You Must use @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class PluginControllerTest {
private lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc
fun setup() {
// You can use MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup() to build mockMvc
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(PluginController()).build()
fun shouldReturnPluginTypes() {
- Kotlin API version: 1.9
// here are related classes:
// 'package: com.thoughtworks.archguard.evolution.domain.BadSmellSuite
// class BadSmellSuite {
// id
// suiteName
// isDefault
// thresholds
// }
// 'package: com.thoughtworks.archguard.evolution.domain.BadSmellSuiteWithSelected
// class BadSmellSuiteWithSelected {
// id
// suiteName
// isDefault
// isSelected
// thresholds
// }
// 'package: com.thoughtworks.archguard.evolution.domain.BadSmellThresholdService
// '@Service
// class BadSmellThresholdService {
// badSmellSuitRepository
// + fun getAllSuits(): List<BadSmellSuite>
// + fun getBadSmellSuiteWithSelectedInfoBySystemId(systemId: Long): List<BadSmellSuiteWithSelected>
// }
// here is current class information:
// 'package: com.thoughtworks.archguard.evolution.controller.EvolutionBadSmellController
// '@RestController, @RequestMapping("/api/evolution")
// class EvolutionBadSmellController {
// badSmellThresholdService
// + @GetMapping("/badsmell-thresholds") fun getAllThresholds(): List<BadSmellSuite>
// + @GetMapping("/badsmell-thresholds/system/{systemId}") fun getThresholdsBySystemId(@PathVariable("systemId") systemId: Long): List<BadSmellSuiteWithSelected>
// }
// import com.thoughtworks.archguard.evolution.domain.BadSmellSuite
// import com.thoughtworks.archguard.evolution.domain.BadSmellSuiteWithSelected
// import com.thoughtworks.archguard.evolution.domain.BadSmellThresholdService
// import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping
// import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable
// import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping
// import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController
class EvolutionBadSmellController(val badSmellThresholdService: BadSmellThresholdService) {
fun getAllThresholds(): List<BadSmellSuite> {
return badSmellThresholdService.getAllSuits()
fun getThresholdsBySystemId(@PathVariable("systemId") systemId: Long): List<BadSmellSuiteWithSelected> {
return badSmellThresholdService.getBadSmellSuiteWithSelectedInfoBySystemId(systemId)
Start with `import` syntax here:
TestSpark 目前支持两种测试生成策略:
- 基于 LLM 的测试生成(使用 OpenAI 和 JetBrains 内部 AI Assistant 平台)
- 基于本地搜索的测试生成(使用 EvoSuite)
Method 1: LLM gen prompt example
GitHub: TestSpark
Generate unit tests in $LANGUAGE for $NAME to achieve 100% line coverage for this class.
Dont use @Before and @After test methods.
Make tests as atomic as possible.
All tests should be for $TESTING_PLATFORM.
In case of mocking, use $MOCKING_FRAMEWORK. But, do not use mocking for all tests.
Name all methods according to the template - [MethodUnderTest][Scenario]Test, and use only English letters.
The source code of class under test is as follows:
Here are some information about other methods and classes used by the class under test. Only use them for creating objects, not your own ideas.
Method 2: EvoSuite gen
EvoSuite 是一个工具,可以自动生成带有 Java 代码编写的类断言的测试用例。